Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Thing # 11

After reading the introductory information and watching the YouTube video, I created yet another account, which was super simple, and looked around before adding my required 5 books. As I was adding them I thought about the uses for this LibraryThing.
When I was in the classroom I would have loved to have this so I could keep track of all my books and who had them and which were loved so much the student who borrowed it added the book to their collection. I loved how when I added a book it told me how many other members had the same books. There were reviews and suggestions if you liked this book you'll like this sort of thing. This will not only help with my personal reading but in choosing books for my library. Every once in awhile I'll buy a dud but I like to go on student recommendations because they bug me about "Did that book come in yet?"

I have arranged my library schedule this school year so that I can meet with the teachers of each of the grade levels I work with. I will also be able to present a technology tip of the week. This wil be one quick thing I will show them as it is something that they will be able to use.

I also lurked around the groups and added two or three to my reader and created a separate folder for them. The blog folder was getting a little crowed.

I checked out talk and found a couple of threads where people were actively "talking." I also looked at local for events. This might be a good way to get out the word for a book fair at my school or when we do the Barnes and Noble event in November.
All in all a good experience and well worth the time.

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